Reasons to volunteer
Make a positive difference to the world around you by volunteering time or resources ? there are many ways in which you can help!
You will be providing aid to disabled, old and homeless people whohave their individual talents in certain areas but have no one who is willing to support or motivate them.
You will have the opportunity to meet new people and gain certain experiences that may not have had before.
You may develop new skills yourself.
You can teach the residents of the home certain skills and or abilities that you possess.
Students can obtain credits/college references that will be very valuable for any individual?s application to institutions all over the world.
How to Volunteer
There are a variety of opportunities to volunteer at Cheshire Home.

You could help with our many projects by volunteering your time for specific projects that might interest you or for which you have specific skills.

If you have limited time and cannot commit to any regular hours, you can come in to simply read or help with reading a newspaper or a story or just spend time as a "friend" of the home. Residents look forward to sharing their life stories and experiences with caring individuals who come from outside and also listening to them.
Download Membership Form

Download Application Form

Send the completed form to us via email at [email protected] or call us directly.
Projects that you can Support
Cheshire Home has many ongoing projects that you can support through lump sum or ongoing donations.

Every little bit counts - so please see the projects underway and planned and pick one that suits your charitable inclinations and your budget.

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